Your regular catch-up with UniMed.
Member edition #7 - March 2023
Kia ora,
Welcome to our first edition of HealthChat for 2023.
In this issue we extend our thoughts to those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
We explore what we can do to help prevent dementia as we age, and we also talk about our Member offers.
What a start to the year we’ve had. From devastating storms in the North through to heatwaves and drought in the South, this extreme weather has certainly packed a punch, and that stress can come at a cost to your health.
It’s at times like these that your health and wellbeing becomes a top priority. Following the storms in Auckland and Cyclone Gabrielle, we reached out to our North Island-based Members who had been most affected by the extreme weather. However, it’s become very clear that the aftermath of Cyclone Grabrielle has had a significant impact on communities across New Zealand.
To support all our Members through these challenging times, access to three free mental health sessions is available. In addition, with Summer ending it’s a good time to take stock of our skin health. To support this, we have a new Member offer in partnership with MoleMap. Information on these services is detailed below and more offers will be available in coming months, so please watch this space.
This is also a great time to identify your health and wellbeing priorities for the year. Whether you’ve chosen to focus on eating well, taking more time out for you and your whānau, increasing your fitness, getting enough sleep or reducing your hours at work, it’s the small changes that can make a huge difference.
I hope you’ve also noticed the difference to our website. It’s modern and fresh, and is easier to navigate. Remember, you can still download our claims forms from our website and send them in to us via email, post or in person (for our Members based in Christchurch), the choice is yours.
At UniMed, we’re committed to continually enhancing the way we do things, for the better. This includes additional services and offers to support your health. However, we also understand that affordability is a concern for Members in the current environment. With this in mind, over coming months, you will start to see more offers from us that focus on improving your overall health and wellbeing, without adding extra pressure to your finances.
Ngā mihi nui,

Can you spot the difference?
If you, like many New Zealanders, have spent a lot of time outdoors, it’s important that you regularly check your skin for any changes. Skin cancer, particularly melanoma, is not only one of this country’s deadliest cancers, it’s also preventable if detected and treated early.
We’re providing a 20% discount on all MoleMap services for our Members.
Use this code UNSKIN23 when booking to redeem your discount. This offer is open to UniMed Members only and is valid until 30 September 2023.
Note; Members are not able to claim back on this service. It is a non-insurance discounted offer only.
As always, we’re here to help you keep well. If you would like further information or to discuss your wellbeing options, please call us on 0800 600 666.
Need to talk? If you feel overwhelmed, anxious or distressed, support is available. Please make use of our partnership with Clearhead – our online mental health and wellbeing service.
Through this service, Members and their whānau can access up to three free counselling sessions with one of 350 registered therapists throughout New Zealand.
To book a session or to find out more, visit Clearhead.

It's Brain Awareness Month.
We’ve recently published a new article that explores our brain health and reducing the risk of developing dementia as we age.
Did you know our population is aging faster than ever and, according to research, dementia rates are set to triple in the coming years? Louise Zacest looks at the issue, reveals some surprising triggers, and shares the positive steps you can take to help reduce your risk of developing dementia.

As you know, we love to hear from our Members. For any enquiries or if you’d like to contact us to share your UniMed experience or story, please write to us with all the details at members@unimed.co.nz. And if you’re happy, we may share your story in an upcoming HealthChat.
Alternatively, contact us Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm on 0800 600 666, our friendly team are here to help.
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Follow us here.