Your regular catch-up with UniMed.
Member edition #5 – September 2022.
Kia ora,
Welcome to a mid-year
edition of HealthChat.
With winter behind us, we‘re all looking forward to getting outside more regularly and enjoying the outdoors. Everyone knows just how therapeutic being in nature can be, so we hope you get the chance to enjoy some sunshine, fresh air and Vitamin D. Remember to wear plenty of sunscreen of course.
This month marked an important week in our calendar, Māori language week, so we’d like to acknowledge this by wishing all our members hauora pai’ and haere pai.
And, as UniMed turns over another calendar year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past year. Following the lockdown in Auckland in 2021, Member demand for surgery rebounded, and we experienced record prior approval levels. Well-publicised challenges facing the public health sector have also reinforced the value of private cover for you, our Members.
Like many global economies, New Zealand is now grappling with increasing inflation and an uncertain economic outlook, which only adds to the stress and anxiety that the pandemic has created for many.
I’m pleased to report UniMed remains in a strong financial position and our team is committed to providing exceptional value health insurance as we continue to explore ways to enhance our offering with services that are ever more meaningful and valuable.
And, while New Zealanders begin to have optimism that the worst of the pandemic is over, it’s important that we all support each other and encourage friends and family to be proactive in looking after our health and wellbeing.
If you have any questions about our society, please email me anytime at
Ngā mihi nui,

Every September brings a spotlight on cervical and prostate cancer, with the hardworking Prostate Cancer Foundation and Gynaecological Cancer Foundation committed to raising awareness and much-needed donations throughout the month.
But rather than just sharing information and statistics on the disease that’s most relevant to your gender, we recognise and believe it’s vital to raise awareness and inform New Zealanders on both these deadly cancers, regardless of which gender we identify with.

Cervical Screening Awareness month reminds us that the country has one of the best screening programmes in the world, specifically designed to help find cervical cancer early.
While some may need yearly consultations, health professionals advise all women between 25 – 69 should have regular three yearly tests in order to give doctors the chance to detect the cell changes that cause the disease.
Higher risk has been attributed to tobacco use, the contraception pill and family history.
It’s important to note there are upcoming changes to the testing programme with the option to self-test becoming available for the first time ever from July 2023.
However, the advice from the medical fraternity is to not wait until self-testing becomes available, but to keep up your regular screening programme now.
As Louise mentioned above, New Zealanders are facing challenging times and our mental health is quite understandably in need of support.
Our partnership with mental health and workplace wellbeing experts Clearhead means you can book up to three free therapy sessions online or visit one of their therapists who are available throughout New Zealand, through till the end of the year. So please don’t hesitate to book an appointment if you’d like to talk to a caring professional.

While it’s unfortunately not uncommon for people to think it’ll never happen to me, the facts differ. Within our membership alone, we approve over 100 Members per year who need biopsies or surgical intervention for treatments associated with prostate cancer.
And on average, more than 4,000 Kiwi men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year, making prostate cancer the most commonly diagnosed cancer (beyond skin cancers), annually.
With the Prostate Cancer Foundation determined to raise their profile, you may have seen photos of the office crowd dressed in blue tutus, serving home-baked goodies ladened with blue icing.
But beyond these vital and valuable Blue September fundraising initiatives, it’s important we keep talking about just how prevalent this cancer is and why screening is so important.
It’s important to watch out for symptoms, these can be found by clicking the link below.
For those who are symptom free, it’s nevertheless recommended you get checked if you’re a man aged 50 – 70 years, but don’t have any family history, you’re a man aged 40 – 70 years and your father or brother has had prostate cancer, you’re a man aged over 70 and have family history of prostate cancer or you’ve have had an abnormal PSA test previously, and if you have a life expectancy of more than 10 years.
These screening services can mostly be undertaken by your local GP. Members with either Major Surgical or MedicalCare can claim $55 per consult for this (if it’s done by a GP) under the day-to-day module. For Members with our UniCare Advantage, it’s on the base plan, and you’re covered for up to 80% of costs to a maximum of $45 (through a GP).
So let’s be vigilant, screen regularly and continue to support each other around taking all the right steps to identify cancer earlier.

Here’s a list of health and wellbeing tips you might want to tick off over the next couple of weeks.

Even though it’s spring, the seasonal flu virus is still about. Have you received your flu vax entitlement yet? Remember, it’s free, on top of all your other cover.
Changed addresses or have a new email or phone number? Remember to update your contact details on the Member Portal, or get in touch with us to update them.
Reviewed your Plan recently? It makes sense to occasionally review your current Plan and decide if it’s still meeting all your needs. If you’re not sure, talk to the staff member who handles UniMed for your company, or drop us a line.
Has your family changed? Have you welcomed a new child recently? Why not add them to your Plan and make sure the whole whānau’s covered.
Have you experienced a significant health event and would like to support others through sharing your knowledge and experience with them? Are you experiencing something at present and would value connecting with Members in a similar situation?
We want to help connect our Members, so that together we can support health and wellness journeys. Want to hear more or consider joining a future community? Then please get in touch by emailing
If you haven’t read it already, you might enjoy taking a few minutes to check out Louise’s latest insight on all the important and interesting things affecting health, wellbeing and workplaces.
This month she tackles the topic of annual leave for employees. We know that taking holidays is beneficial, yet year-on-year so many employees don’t utilise their entitlement, with some preferring to cash-up leave balances instead. Should taking leave be mandatory?
Like to get to know the people working behind the scenes at UniMed?
Brad Meek leads our strategic relationship development with different health and wellbeing providers to ensure you and all our Members can depend on and access high quality services that meet recognised good practice standards. His role includes accountability in terms of how expenditure on health services is applied in the best way. This helps ensure we deliver overall value to Members and that you receive appropriate, personalised services.
Before Brad accepted his current position back in 2016, Brad was our Claims Manager, having joined us from a career at ACC, rising from Case Manager to Executive Officer.

Brad Meek
General Manager, Business Partnerships, UniMed.

As you know, we love to hear from our Members. For any enquiries or if you'd like to contact us to share your UniMed experience or story, please write to us with all the details at And if you’re happy, we may share your story in an upcoming HealthChat.
Alternatively, speak to your advisor or contact us Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm on 0800 600 666. Our friendly team are here to help.
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